Big Bang Theory


2015 has come in with a bang, there is no doubt. Full of hope and purpose. 2014 finished rough, so if truth were told, I wasn’t really sure what events January and it’s 2015 partner would bring. In some ways, I think the way that last year ended, lent itself to me being more purposeful , as I entered a new year.

Having spent most of 2014 battling health issues, I felt somewhat sidelined, not meeting all of my goals. Yet , as I look back at my list of things that I wanted 2014 to bring into my life, much of it I touched. I am happy with that.

The biggest lessons of course, I could not have planned or expected, but all of the same there they were. Unforeseen. unpredicted. Yet, serving as a spring board to propelled me into 2015 with power and unyielding purpose.

So many of my friends and family sense it, and have asked me what I have up my sleeve this year. Can I just say; the things my sleeves hold, that I am the most proud of, is my unyielding resolve for change. Changes to my health, where I am already finding great relief.  Oh sure there is plenty more to do, and boy do I have goals, but being that we are only two weeks into the new year…. I am killing it.

My sleeve also holds my cowgirl dreams. As 2014 closed, I wasn’t sure exactly what would happen in that arena, but boy are they up front and present and I cannot wait to share more  lessons from the pen…. and events I will be participating in, the fellow cowgirls I will get to run with and ….. I am always so amazed how these dreams of ours mean as much, or more to the creator then they do to us and when we cant see the way, he makes a new path.

My writing is off and running. I have submitted to magazines and look forward to those avenues being opened up.. and 35 cowgirls that I know have said yes to working with me on a special project. AMAZING…

I had a friend tell me, at a low point as 2014 was ending, “Just know this Rene, sometimes what we think is done TO us, is actually God doing things FOR us.”  It gave me a new perspective.

Tomorrow I leave for a girls weekend in Portland. Time meant to be still and spend time in purpose. Celebrating each other, ourselves and the creative journey ahead. Building a “Map” to get to where we are going.

I feel like 2015 has begun as a shot out of  a cannon and is offering all kinds of sparks to new possibilities. I once heard someone ask a professor of mine , if he believed in the big bang theory and his answer was, Of course I do… God spoke it into existence and Bang it happened.

I so know the feeling.

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